Wireless, freely adjustable remote control for QTP electric exhaust flaps
Great things really do come in small packages! Whether you're tight on space in your car or truck, want to maintain the look of your vehicle, or just like the high-tech aspect.
The QTEC Wireless Remote Control System is the answer. The transmitter is so small that it can be installed in even the tightest spaces in a car or truck. Installation outdoors or in the ram is not recommended.
Connect your power and ground connectors and plug in your QTECs. It's that simple!
Press and hold the button on the remote control switch and release it in the desired position. Fully open or just a touch. The choice is yours.
Simple push button operation for partial or wide open settings. You retain control over the volume.
The 10900 works with many in-vehicle garage door opener functions such as: B. Home Link systems.
Delivery includes:
- 12V receiver
- Two wireless handheld key transmitters
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