You can see the current availability of the items in the item description. Some items are special orders from the manufacturer. Here the delivery time depends on the manufacturer's ability to deliver. You can request the delivery time for such items from us in advance on a daily basis. The respective availability is shown as “ready for dispatch in x days”. This indicates the period within which we will hand over the order to the shipping service provider. This information and the transit time of the shipping service provider result in the delivery time. The delivery time therefore depends on which shipping service provider or shipping service was chosen. All days stated refer to working days. The shipping time begins with receipt of payment or confirmation of payment by the respective payment service provider.
If you order several items in one order that have different delivery times, we will ship the goods in one shipment (unless otherwise agreed). In this case, the delivery time applicable to your order of goods as a whole will be that applicable to the item in your order with the longest delivery time.
shipping costs
The shipping costs are automatically calculated in the checkout. Put the item(s) in your shopping cart, enter your address and the shipping costs will be displayed.
Payment methods
You can choose between different payment methods:
– Advance payment (transfer to our bank account, money is usually received within 1-2 days at the latest) – SOFORT transfer (transfer via the SOFORT payment system, we receive the payment within a few minutes) – Credit card (VISA, Mastercard) – giropay – paydirekt – Apple Pay
Please note that not every payment method is available in every location and for every item. It may happen that you only have a few payment methods to choose from in the checkout.
We no longer offer the PayPal payment method due to various cases of fraud that were covered by PayPal at our expense.
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